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Wellness Wednesday! #Gratitude

Happy Wellness Wednesday! Today is all about Gratitude! I woke up this morning in total bliss! I immediately started thinking about what I was grateful for. The list is long but the things that top the list are my supportive family, amazing friends, my health, and opportunities to do what I love.

When it comes to gratitude, we must constantly stay in this state. When that happens, more and more comes to us. So even when we strive for more (which in most cases will always be), we must always be happy and grateful for what we have in the present. I know so many people who are miserable because instead of focusing on the good in their life, they chose to focus on the negative, what they don't like. That mindset is defeating and will get you nowhere. If you're in a funk, it's time to snap out of it and recognize the goodness that's right under your nose. So take a few moments to write down what you're grateful for. Keep that list with you at all times and look at it often. Not only will your mood be lifted, but you'll keep attracting more goodness into your life! Have a healthy, happy, positive day and I'll chat with you soon!

Health and Happiness,


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